Step Exhibitions Ltd
Step House
North Farm Road
Tunbridge Wells
United Kingdom
HPC Today
+39 02 26809375
HPC Today è una rivista tecnico-scientifica peer-reviewed bimestrale a diffusione internazionale che si occupa di personal care, cosmetica, dermatologia, home care e detergenza industriale. Durante il corso dell’anno vari supplementi monografici dedicati a tematiche di rilievo nel campo integrano e completano l’offerta editoriale del giornale.
Gli articoli pubblicati presentano sia ricerche originali che reviews scritte da autori selezionati provenienti dalla ricerca industriale come pure dalle università a livello mondiale. HPC Today pubblica anche articoli che si occupano di legislazione internazionale rilevante, prospettive storiche e/o culturali, economia e società, salute, ed altre tematiche correlate.
Homecare, I&I, personal care, cosmetics and dermatology are the topics of HPCToday. Funded in 2003 as a supplement to Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today, it gained an immediate appreciation and soon became a new independent publication distributed worldwide. In accordance with the sound scientific style of its publisher TeknoScienze, HPCToday accounts the innovations that the research brings to people in fields such as skincare, homecare and wellbeing. The journal guests both technical and opinion articles and regularly deals with topics like sustainable innovation and regulations. Monographic supplements to the journal focusing on specific selected topics of interest are regularly published along with the main issues of the journal. HPCToday works closely with many associations in the sector and important university faculties. Providing accurate information on companies and its people is the link that keeps it all together.