Step Exhibitions Ltd
Orchard House
North Farm Road
Tunbridge Wells
United Kingdom
Barentz Italia S.p.A.
Stand: 109
Telephone: 02 99050404
Email: [email protected]
Address: Via Privata Goito 8, Paderno Dugnano, MI, 20037, Italy
Company Profile
Barentz Italia Spa nasce nel 2005, dalla joint-venture tra una storica azienda di distribuzione italiana, Chemservice SpA, e Barentz International, una consolidata azienda di distribuzione di materie prime, ingredienti e additivi del mercato Life Science. Fornendo facile e diretto accesso a fornitori internazionali di primo piano e ad un vasto portafoglio prodotti che soddisfa le esigenze dei nostri clienti.
I nostri punti di forza: collaboratori tecnicamente preparati; stock che consente consegne in tempi realistici; trasparenza nella gestione delle relazioni; team Qualità efficiente ed efficace.
Siamo certificati “Ecovadis”, e aderiamo al programma "Responsible Care" e "UN Global Compact".
Siamo certificati ISO9001:2015
Barentz Italia Spa was founded in 2005 as a joint venture between an historical Italian distribution company, Chemservice SpA, and Barentz International, a well-established distributor of raw materials, ingredients and additives for the Life Science market. This union provided easy and direct access to leading international suppliers and a broad product portfolio that meets the needs of our customers.
Our strengths: technically trained employees; stock allowing for deliveries within realistic timeframes; transparency in managing relationships; efficient and effective Quality team.
We are "Ecovadis" certified, and adhere to the "Responsible Care" and "UN Global Compact" programmes.
We are ISO9001:2015 certified
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