06/03/2024 Seminars


Recap giorno 1 e introduzione giornata

09:30 - 09:50

Expanding application spectrum of REWOFERM® biosurfactants in cleaning

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the sustainability and safety of the products they use. In the personal and home care markets, there is a strong demand for natural and mild ingredients made from responsibly sourced materials.    Surfactants are an essential part of our lives. Yet, traditional surfactants pose challenges in terms of sustainability and safety. Evonik has developed a platform of REWOFERM® sustainable glycolipid biosurfactants - sophorolipids and rhamnolipids - with outstanding mildness, biodegradability and low ecological toxicity.   In addition to their strong sustainability profile, REWOFERM® biosurfactants have excellent foaming, cleaning and solubilising properties. This makes them highly suitable for home care applications such as hard surface cleaning and laundry care, as recently reported in various publications. However, as market needs and application requirements extend well beyond these two areas, Evonik has continued to explore opportunities to implement biosurfactants for other home care purposes. In this presentation, we will discuss our findings on the use of REWOFERM® biosurfactants in home care beyond laundry detergents and hard surface cleaning.

09:30 - 11:00

La strategia climatica della detergenza professionale per vincere la sfida della transizione ecologica

  • View full profile for Danilo SartoriDanilo Sartori Responsabile dei Modelli Innovativi di Riciclo di COREPLA - COREPLA for AFIDAMP - Criteri di Ecodesign: Facilitare le Operazioni di Selezione e Riciclo alla luce del PPWR
  • Nicola Fabbri Senior Consultant - ERGO Srl for AFIDAMP - Etichetta ecodesign quali prospettive per la detergenza professionale
  • Piera Pellegrino Tecnologo di ISPRA, Servizio Certificazioni Ambientali - ISPRA for AFIDAMP - La certificazione Ecolabel UE per promuovere la sostenibilità ambientale dei prodotti detergenti. Stato dell'arte e sviluppi futuri
  • Domenico Zuccaro Tecnologo di ISPRA, Servizio Certificazioni Ambientali Coordinatori dell'EU Ecolabel CB Forum - ISPRA for AFIDAMP - I servizi di pulizia Ecolabel UE con uno sguardo ai CAM
  • Cesare Buffone Responsabile analisi LCA e Sostenibilità - PUNTO 3 for AFIDAMP - Carbon Footprint: un approccio climatico sostenibile per i produttori della detergenza professionale
09:50 - 10:10

eQgest: lo strumento per la gestione REACH/CLP dedicato al settore Detergenti

eQgest è una soluzione digitale in grado di rispondere alle necessità aziendali per quanto riguarda gli adempimenti richiesti dai regolamenti REACH e CLP. La piattaforma è strutturata in modo tale da permettere una customizzazione completa in funzione delle richieste dei clienti e permettere la generazione di schede dati di sicurezza, etichette CLP, notifiche ai centri antiveleni, definizione del documento di trasporto ADR e molto altro. Accanto alla parte software, accompagniamo il cliente con un servizio online continuativo di carattere tecnico, regolatorio e formativo.


eQgest is a digital solution that meets the company's needs in terms of REACH and CLP compliance. The platform is structured in such a way as to allow complete customization according to customer requirements and to allow the generation of safety data sheets, CLP labels, notifications to poison control centers, definition of the ADR transport document and much more. Alongside the software part, we accompany the customer with a continuous online service of a technical, regulatory and training nature.

10:10 - 10:30

Sostenibilità e internazionalizzazione

Sostenibilità e internazionalizzazione: i servizi gratuiti della rete Enterprise Europe Network Enterprise Europe Network è una rete nata nel 2008 per volontà della Commissione Europea, attiva in oltre 60 Paesi attraverso oltre 700 organizzazioni. Innovhub SSI, in qualità di partner della rete, offre diversi servizi gratuiti per le imprese, quali: aggiornamenti normativi con riferimento ai mercati esteri, ricerca partner finalizzati a sviluppare accordi commerciali all’estero o di trasferimento tecnologico, supporto per l’accesso ai bandi europei che finanziano progetti di R&S. Inoltre, Innovhub SSI, nel contesto EEN, offre un servizio di miglioramento della sostenibilità aziendale, utilizzando un strumento di bench-marking che permette il posizionamento dell’azienda rispetto a tutti gli ambiti della sostenibilità e offre linee guida per effettuare un miglioramento.

11:00 - 11:20

Mane New Technology: Biodegradable Microincapsulation

  • View full profile for Caroline DubourgCaroline Dubourg Research & Innovation Manager EMEA Fragrance Customer Goods - MANE for Eurosyn
11:20 - 11:40

Modern ready-to-use disinfection wipes for professionals and consumers – what you need to know!

Market leading Disinfectant Cleaner wipes for low level disinfection of hard surfaces are multifaceted products that offer microbial efficacy combined with a spectrum of other important attributes ranging from fast contact times, one step disinfection and cleaning, delivery of excellent surface aesthetics, broad material compatibility, surface wetting for the recommended contact time, high quality substrates through to optimised cost-in-use. This presentation will explore the concept of effective Disinfectant Cleaner Wipes and strategies to minimize the environmental footprint

11:30 - 12:00

Il riciclo meccanico della plastica in Italia e in Europa: stato ed evoluzioni previste

11:40 - 12:00

Power of BioSolutions as key to meeting consumer demand for whiter, fresher and more sustainable laundry

12:00 - 12:30

Manufacturing bio-based surfactants by chemical and bio-chemical synthesis: main process characteristics and differences

14:00 - 14:20

Compact & Clean – Concentrated & Efficient Formulations for your everyday needs

  • Irene Ferinka Prijono Application Specialist Homecare & Industrial Cleaning / Cosmetic Technologist - Univar Solutions
14:00 - 14:30

L’efficacia del momento, elogio all’innovazione (olfattiva)

14:20 - 14:40

Short-chain alcohol ethoxylates: effective solutions for hard surface cleaning

A presentation about short-chain alcohol ethoxylates, which will include the characterization of their physicochemical properties such as Pour Point, HLB, phase behaviour, and foam profile. The influence of chain length and ethoxylation will also be discussed. The presentation will be followed by performance tests for hard surface cleaning, which will examine the solubilization of d-limonene, IPP-test, scouring test APC-IKW, in comparison with C9-11 ethoxylates. Finally, a rating performance table will be created as a quick selection tool for formulators.

  • Javier Miranda Distribution Development Manager EMEA - FHC I&I - SASOL for Tellerini
14:30 - 15:30


  • Francesca Fasano Ph.D. Operation Director - Chemsafe - Biocidi e SDS: alcuni aspetti da non sottovalutare
  • Claudia Imperato Managing Director - Lisam Italy - Biocidi e SDS: alcuni aspetti da non sottovalutare
  • Nicola Di Pasquale Global Business Development Manager - Manica Spa in partnership con Barentz Italia Spa - Azione battericida dello ione rame associato a tensioattivi
  • Ángel Fernandez Biocides formulation Manager – Lamirsa in partnership con Reschem Italia Spa - New treatments for detergency without hazard labelling
14:40 - 15:00

Shaping the future of chemical industry by working together on sustainability

Together for Sustainability (TfS) is a joint initiative and a global network of chemical companies that delivers the global standard for environmental, social and governance performance of chemical supply chains. Clariant was the 8th member to joining TfS in 2014 out of a network that now counts 47 companies. Thanks to TfS framework, Clariant assess the management, governance, environmental, labor and human rights, ethical and sustainable procurement performance of its suppliers and deliver tangible, measurable improvements of their suppliers’ as well as their own sustainability performance. The concept benefits both TfS member companies and suppliers: suppliers receive fewer customer requests, reducing bureaucratic burden so time and energy can be spent for the improvement of sustainability performance through corrective action plans. Among sustainability assessment, carbon emission represents a key challenge especially Scope 3 emissions which accounts for 75% to 95% of a chemical company’s emission and are dependent on suppliers. TfS PCF Guideline enables suppliers and corporations to produce quality carbon footprint data by assessing results consistency and create an industry baseline that can facilitate businesses to conduct cross-industry comparisons and manage their emissions across all three scopes. During this presentation, Clariant will share how procurement has integrated sustainability as one of their four pilars and benefit from TfS initiative to work with current suppliers and identify new ones as part of its journey to achieve 2030 sustainability targets.

  • Svea Braak Technical Application Manager - Clariant for Azelis

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